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Your Performance, squared² Introduction For years, we've been bombarded with conflicting advice about the best way to burn fat. High intensity? Low intensity? Cardio? Weights? It's enough to make anyone's head spin. But

Your Performance, squared² Introduction Picture this: the roar of the crowd, the pounding of your heart, the burning in your muscles as you push through the eighth kilometre of running, interspersed with gruelling

Introduction If you’ve ever felt that your endurance training has hit a plateau—no matter how many interval sets you sweat through—you’re not alone. Many of us have followed one-size-fits-all training programmes, diligently checking

Introduction Lactate. For many, the word conjures images of burning muscles and intense workouts. I remember my first 5K, hitting that dreaded "wall" – my legs felt like lead, and I was pretty

Stop Wasting Your VO2 Max Test: Prepare Like a Pro with Theorem Metabolic's New Calculator VO2 max testing is the gold standard for measuring your cardiovascular fitness and aerobic capacity. It's a powerful

  Are you an athlete seeking to reach peak performance? Understanding the intricate relationship between key physiological metrics like VO2 Max, VT1, VT2, and lactate threshold is crucial for optimising your training and

Lactate threshold is a crucial concept in exercise physiology that refers to the point during exercise where lactic acid begins to accumulate in your bloodstream at a rate faster than your body can

"Unlock Your True Potential: Experience the most advanced VO2 Max testing available with Theorem Metabolic's integrated VO2 Master and Train.Red technology. Elevate your training and shatter your limits. Book your session now!" In

Understanding how VO2 Max testing and optimisation uniquely benefit women at all life stages. Introduction Did you know that women’s VO2 Max—a critical measure of aerobic capacity—can fluctuate significantly due to hormonal cycles,

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